Announces November 2014's Financial Support for Pro-Liberty Organizations, America's foremost pro-liberty provider of ammunition, is one retailer that believes in backing words with action. It is's policy to donate 1% of all sales to a pro-freedom organization of the customer's choice. Customers choose from a list of 21 non-profits, charities, think tanks and advocacy groups such as the National Rifle Association (NRA), Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) and the CATO Institute, or may include an organization of their choosing. In November, 2014 alone,, on behalf of its customers, donated $594.32 to various pro-liberty groups. $119.91 went to the NRA, $113.15 to Homes for Our Troops, $251.72 to the SAF and $109.54 to Building for America's Bravest, an initiative committed to providing individually designed smart homes for catastrophically disabled veterans to restore their dignity and independence. Announces October Pro-Freedom Donation Program Results, America's top pro-freedom ammunition retailer, announced the results for October of the company's unique donation program. Every order placed at the store allows customers to choose from among a number of pro-freedom organizations to donate to, as well as nominate their own favorites for addition to the program. In October, customers directed the largest portion of their purchase-related donations to the Bellevue, Washington-based Second Amendment Foundation, with the National Rifle Association, Homes for Our Troops, and the Adapt and Overcome Project also receiving significant donations. Releases Donation Totals for September

In September 2014, proudly donated funds to major pro-gun and pro-military organizations on behalf of its consumers. For this time period, the National Rifle Association received $187.75, Homes For Our Troops obtained $172.70, and the Illinois State Rifle Association Legal Assistance Committee was gifted $107.58. makes the donations on behalf of consumers choosing to shop with their company to support those organizations protecting the freedoms of American citizens. Announces Latest Donation Information donations for September were announced today, and they included payments to the National Rifle Association (NRA), Adapt and Overcome Project, and the Second Amendment Foundation. The donation to the NRA was $178.98, Adapt and Overcome received $148.33, and the Second Amendment Foundation got $110.24. These donations are part of's commitment to protecting Americans' right to bear arms, and represent the latest of its ongoing efforts. Announces Results of Last Three Months of Pro-Freedom Charitable Giving, a leading retailer of firearms ammunition, announced the results of the company's charitable giving activities for May, June, and July. allows customers to select from a wide variety of pro-freedom American charitable causes with each order, after which the company donates a portion of the sale's proceeds to the chosen group. A perennial favorite with customers, the National Rifle Association remained the top recipient of the company's giving over the past three months, while a wide variety of other organizations also benefited. Reveals Reason Behind Ammunition Shortage

Many factors play a role in the shortage of ammunition which has been seen in America over the past few years. Some believe the federal government has been buying up ammunition to keep it out of the hands of the average citizen; others believe the shortage comes as a result of ammunition manufacturers cutting back on their inventory in an effort to drive prices up. Most attribute the shortage, however, to an increased interest in gun ownership.

Pro-Freedom Organizations Receive More Than $40,000 from proudly releases the latest figures for its charitable contributions and once again has increased the amount of money they provide to organizations working to protect the rights of citizens, doing so without increasing the cost to customers. In January, donated $2,283.69 to five charities: the National Rifle Association, Second Amendment Foundation, Wounded Warrior Project, Operation Homefront, and American Center for Law & Justice. "Thanks to thousands of satisfied customers, is able to proudly make donations to these organizations working to actively protect American freedoms and the total amount raised to date now comes to almost $40,000," Sam Jacobs of declares.