Anthony Pothoulakis, M.D.

Author and Physician, Anthony Pothoulakis, Proposes a Community Based Prevention Program

LogoDr. Anthony Pothoulakis has spent most of his professional life trying to educate people about prevention. Specifically, the prevention of cardiometabolic diseases, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity. While practicing as a physician, he's encountered many cases in which patients were subjected to unnecessary procedures that could have been avoided, and others whose well intentioned, but uninformed, friends and family gave them poor advice; advice that could have cost their lives. With his latest book, Arteries in Harmony: Defending Our Arteries, Protecting Our Lives, And Preserving Our Happiness In The Era of Obesity And Diabetes, Dr. Pothoulakis dives into the numbers and facts regarding the current epidemic of such diseases the American population faces. He then proposes solutions which can - and should - start within the community. With changes in the school environment, the workplace, and at home, he believes it is possible to reduce the scary levels of diabetes, obesity, and other heart and blood related diseases threatening people all over the country.

Embrace a Healthier Lifestyle with Arteries in Harmony, to Be Released Oct 9th

LogoArteries in Harmony: Defending Our Arteries, Protecting Our Lives And Preserving Our Happiness In The Era of Obesity And Diabetes is the newest book from Anthony Pothoulakis, a medical doctor and author. His goal is to help readers looking for a healthy lifestyle, whom most likely were otherwise engaged in unhealthy habits. With a focus on obesity and diabetes, Dr. Pothoulakis hopes to see the rates of these diseases go down to the levels they were 50 years ago, but he realizes this cannot be done simply by relying on doctors, nurses, universities and hospitals. According to Dr. Anthony , we must all make efforts towards our own healthier lives.