A'sa Rainey's T&D Kenpo Karate

Rainey's Kenpo Karate Launches New Website to Promote Washington Karate Instruction Online

Kenpo is the word used to describe several Japanese martial arts traced back to Shaolin Kung Fu Systems, Kenpo is characterized by a system of self defense that aims to terminate a physical altercation as quickly and emphatically. Kenpo is uniquely comprised of both linear and circular striking patterns reactive countering maneuvers, Kenpo was introduced in the US and Americas by the late Senior Grand Master Ed Parker. Mr Parker revolutionized Kenpo. This exposure to other martial Arts, Kenpo in the US and internationally has become known as American Kenpo. Mr. Rainey continues to learn and practice Kenpo in true fashion of Parker/Hebler Linage having taught Kenpo since 1973.