Automobile Safety Foundation

ASF On: The Modernization of Driver Licensing, Education, and Banking

"Causes of traffic crashes and distracted driving is a deadly epidemic that has devastating consequences on our nation's roadways," said Secretary LaHood.

ASF, Auto Safety Group, Offers Diamonds and Emeralds

A private philanthropist has donated a beautiful diamond and emerald broach for the commencement of an ASF fundraiser, with the goal of obtaining a million dollars (or real estate donation) to obtain a new ASF Communication Center for their international auto safety work. The illustrious broach, over a hundred years old, has been passed through many family generations and is rumored to have an historic royal background (if any experts identify it from the photos please contact ASF). ASF is gifting this rare broach (resembling a peacock) as an award (or in a quid pro quo arrangement) to the donor that can donate the most worthwhile donation toward the new ASF Center.

Introducing the Holy Grail of Driving Safety...the ASF Gift Card

The NHTSA states,"driver distraction is recognized as one of the most common causes of traffic crashes," said Secretary LaHood.