Bijan Trades

Newly-Minted College Graduate & Millionaire, Bijan Tahmasebpour Launches Millennial-Minded Stock Market Training

LogoAnd why wouldn't a kid with a dream turn $500 into millions before his 25th birthday? With determination, out-of-the-box thinking, and bravado wrapped in confident humility, Bijan Tahmasebpour is one such visionary. Quite possibly the new face of this generation's self-made millionaire, the stock market titan is not only a recent college graduate and strategist, he's an approachable resource as well. Teaching people of all ages how to make money in the stock market via his website, Tahmasebpour quantifies success like so - to live one's life as happily as they please, on their own schedule, with financial freedom within reach. Welcome to the go-getter's tangible ideal.