Craft Biz Insider

7 Tips on How to Sell on Etsy with Pinterest

Selling on Etsy isn't just about sending out a few emails, or making your Etsy store nice and pretty. According to Charles Huff, author of "How to Sell on Etsy With Pinterest" one of the best ways to boost your craft bottom line is to share the product love on the fastest-growing social network in the world.

How to Sell on Etsy with Your Blog - Selling on Etsy One Blog Post at a Time

Most artisans selling on Etsy know that a majority of their income derives from sales made within the confines of the popular Brooklyn-based website. But what many Etsy sellers may not know is that they may be missing out on a treasure trove of possible income by ignoring that simple, and affordable, resource: their own blog.

Must-Hear Audiobook Teaches Crafters How to Use Pinterest to Boost Their Etsy Store Sales

Struggling Etsy store owners can learn a lot from craft expert Charles Huff’s latest audiobook How to Sell on Etsy With Pinterest (Selling on Etsy Made Ridiculously Easy). That’s because Huff, who was also a struggling crafter before he started cross marketing on social media, is sharing all the tips and tricks he has learned to attract Pinterest’s savvy consumer base to his Etsy store.

First Installment in New Audio Series on How to Sell on Etsy Explores the Benefits of Facebook Marketing

Etsy marketing expert Charles Huff knows firsthand how crowded the online marketplace can be. Before he began cross marketing on social media, the Etsy store he ran with his mother was floundering. Then, he got smart and started marketing on Facebook and everything turned around. In his latest audiobook How to Sell on Etsy With Facebook (Selling on Etsy Made Ridiculously Easy Vol. 1), he shares the secret to how he was able to generate new traffic to his Etsy store and dramatically increase sales.

New eBook Reveals How to Sell on Etsy with the Power of Social Media

Selling on Etsy should be simple. Crafters post their products and Etsy’s 30 million craft-loving members flock to purchase. In theory, that is how it works. But with so many sellers posting on Etsy, it has become increasingly difficult to stand out. According to Etsy marketing expert Charles Huff, crafters must be willing to market outside of Etsy to generate the traffic they desire. In his latest e-book, How to Sell on Etsy With Facebook - Selling on Etsy Made Ridiculously Easy Vol. 1, Huff teaches crafters how to use the power of Facebook to draw buyers into their Etsy stores.

Etsy Artisans Learn How to Sell on Etsy with Power of Blogging

Blogging is a powerful way for struggling Etsy store owners to jumpstart interest in their crafts and generate sales. That is the attractive promise in Craft Biz Insider Charles Huff’s latest e-book How to Sell on Etsy With Blogging - Selling on Etsy Made Ridiculously Easy Vol. 3. At first blush, blogging sounds like a lot of work. But, in less than 90 pages, Huff outlines a simple, effective blogging plan to help Etsy store owners expand their marketing reach and turn blog subscribers into customers.

Expert Craft Seller Teaches Crafters How to Sell on Etsy Using the Power of Pinterest

Crafters are pinning their way to Etsy success thanks to Charles Huff’s latest craft marketing e-book How to Sell on Etsy With Pinterest (Selling on Etsy Made Ridiculously Easy). Huff’s comprehensive, step-by-step guide urges motivated craft enthusiasts to expand beyond the virtual walls of Etsy and partner with Pinterest to boost traffic to their Etsy stores and ultimately increase their sales.