Pressure Turns to Tenants as Revealed That Property Damage Cost Landlords £4.5bn

Recent figures released from TDS have revealed the significantly high costs faced by landlords when it comes to property damage. They reveal that up to £4.5 billion every year is forked out by landlords in order to address the damage and disrepair to properties caused by tenants. Common issues costing landlords include soiled carpets, neglect of house maintenance, broken equipment and general lack of cleanliness. It is therefore expected that increasing pressure will be turned on tenants in 2016, with greater scrutiny paid to the conditions in which they keep properties whilst they stay there. A number of services have been quick to respond, including cleaning and maintenance experts Domco.

Is Shop-Bought Cleaning Equipment Failing Us? Domco Comments

Recent research suggests that cleaning equipment we commonly buy for our homes (from the supermarket for example) is not necessarily as effective as we may first think. In a study carried out by academics from Cardiff University and published in the American Journal of infection control, antibacterial wipes are a particularly guilty culprit – not as hygienic as we may assume. After extensive testing of a number of wipes, it was typically found that one wipe was only suitable for a very small area (about a metre square) and when used over large areas could actually spread bacteria rather than kill them.