Posted on Monday, June 29, 2020 at 11:31 am CDT
Dominick Mitchell is a Canadian Business Analyst and Social Entrepreneur. He is best known for analyzing and executing several operation, strategy and fundraising projects both in the for-profit and not-for-profit sector. Over the last six years Mr. Mitchell has led JC ALGO, a boutique firm that designs and implements capital raising strategies for projects in emerging markets and it's subsidiary JC ALGO Fund, a successful foreign investment fund to its current state of $175,000 CAD and $25,000 CAD annually respectively. Hehas in-person pitched a project to the United Nations, was President of the Mississauga Arts Youth Council and has opened the Toronto Stock Exchange "ringing the bell" twice.As a community leader, Dominick continues to advise students for Junior Achievement Company Programan 8 month entrepreneurial initiative.
Source: Dominick Mitchell
Posted on Friday, June 26, 2020 at 10:33 am CDT
Dominick Mitchell is a Canadian Business Analyst and Social Entrepreneur. He is most popular for examining and executing a few activities, techniques, and raising support ventures both in the for-profit and not-revenue driven division. In the course of the most recent six years, Mr. Mitchell has driven JC
Source: Dominick Mitchell