E Instruments

E Instruments Announces New E4500 Portable Flue Gas and Emissions Analyzer Is Now Available

LogoE Instruments is pleased to announce that the new E4500 portable flue gas and emissions analyzer is now available. This tool is designed for emissions monitoring, tuning, and maintenance of burners, boilers, diesel and gas engines, furnaces, turbines, kilns, and heaters. The E4500 is also ideal for those who are performing a laboratory analysis.

E Instruments Discusses How to Balance Worker Safety & IAQ with Equipment Performance in Newest Application Note

LogoE Instruments, a leading provider of high-quality combustion analyzers, air quality monitors, and many other products, is pleased to announce the release of their newest Application Note titled, "Warehouse Optimization: Balancing Equipment Performance and Worker Safety Through Emissions Measurements and Air Quality Monitoring."

E Instruments Discusses the Art of Emissions Monitoring and Sampling in Latest Application Note

LogoE Instruments, a leading provider of high-quality NOx analyzers and emissions monitoring equipment, is pleased to announce the release of their Application Note titled, "The Art of Emissions Monitoring and Sampling: Maintaining Gas Integrity." At E Instruments, they know that accurate emissions monitoring from industrial processes is necessary for ensuring safety, environmental compliance, and determining overall system combustion efficiency. However, they also want those who monitor emissions to know that there is not a "one-size-fits-all" approach when it comes to emissions monitoring because every application is different.

E Instruments Announces a Variety of Portable Data-Logging Air Quality Monitors Are Available Throughout Fall 2016

LogoE Instruments, a leading international supplier of high-quality instrumentation solutions, is pleased to announce that a variety of portable data-logging air quality monitors are available throughout fall 2016. E Instruments understands how important it is that an HVAC professional or any other person who regularly utilizes an indoor air quality monitor get the most accurate readings. Therefore, this is why the company continues to ensure they offer multiple devices that can monitor all parameters in real-time, easily export data to create detailed reports, can perform live graphing and data analysis, and much more.

E Instruments Announces 2016 Fall Trade-in Promotion

LogoBucks County, Pennsylvania-based company, E Instruments, is pleased to announce their 2016 Fall Trade-In Promotion. From now until the end of the season, any customer can trade in his or her old analyzer for a new BTU1500 all-in-one combustion gas analyzer.

E Instruments Offering E8500 Plus Portable Emissions Analyzer

LogoWhen looking for state-of-the-art combustion analyzers or emissions monitoring equipment, look no further than Bucks County, PA-based company, E Instruments. In fact, anyone that is looking for a portable device that will prove ideal for generator and engine maintenance, environmental compliance, and tuning, should opt for the company's new E8500 Plus Portable Emissions Analyzer.

E Instruments Announces BTU900-3 Combustion & NOx Analyzer Is Available This Fall

LogoWith the heating season about to arrive, now is the time that boilers and heaters should be monitored for efficiency, safety, and, of course, NOx emissions with a combustion or emissions analyzer. HVAC professionals or other technicians looking for new NOx analyzers and emissions monitoring equipment can count on E Instruments for high-quality devices. In fact, this Langhorne, PA-based company is pleased to announce that they are offering their BTU900-3 Combustion & NOx Analyzer, which will prove ideal for HVAC professionals to have throughout the busy heating season.

E Instruments Now Offering NATE-Certified Training Courses for Combustion Analyzers

LogoE Instruments, a leading international manufacturer of combustion analyzers, air quality monitors, gas leak detectors and many other products, is pleased to announce that they are now offering NATE (North American Technician Excellence) certified training courses. Specifically, the PA-based company is offering NATE-certified training courses for combustion analyzers, and technicians can also earn up to 2 hours of NATE credit for attending their classes. NATE is the United States' largest non-profit certification program for technicians working in the heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVACR) industry.

E Instruments Announces Release of New F5000-5GAS Automotive and Forklift Gas Analyzer

LogoE Instruments is pleased to announce the release of their new F5000-5GAS Automotive and Forklift Gas Analyzer for diesel, propane, CNG, LPG, and gasoline engines. Those who purchase this innovative device will be pleased to know it boasts high accuracy NDIR sensors and can monitor for CO2, CO, O2, NOx and much more.

E Instruments Celebrates 15-Year Anniversary This August

LogoE Instruments, a leading provider of high-quality combustion analyzers, indoor air quality monitors, and many other instrumentation solutions, is excited to announce that they are celebrating 15 years in business this August. Since the beginning, the company has been designing and manufacturing innovative instrumentation solutions that are built with "Quality in Mind."