Electronic Cigarettes: Clearette E- Cigarettes

Clearette Electronic Cigarettes Announces Expansion in Brooklyn

LogoWe are now excited to announce Clearette E-cigs are in the Brooklyn area and ready to serve our local stores and national chains by supplying them with a superior product backed with competitive pricing.

Clearette Electronic Cigarettes: Best Online E Cigarette Store

LogoClearette Electronic Cigarettes, announces it has revised and expanded its websites for both its Independent Distributors and customers.

What Are Electronic Cigarettes and Where Are They Heading

LogoGoogle is reporting some 2.5 million searches a month for “Electronic Cigarettes”. New E-cig companies abound, every day it seems a dozen new wannabees enter the fray. What is going on? Is this a fad? Is this a craze? Is this a Pet Rock, or a Rubik’s cube? We think not. These things are here to stay, and a close look at Clearette Electronic Cigarettes, one of the leading growth companies in this increasingly crowded field, reveals why.

E Cigarette: Industry Growth 2013

LogoE Cigarettes- a novelty four years ago now, about to hit $1.2 billion in sales, according to Wells Fargo securities analysts this year.