
EmergenSee Named One of "The 2014 OnMobile 50 Companies to Watch"

LogoScheduled to receive a coveted award at Palo Alto’s AlwaysOn World Headquarters Friday, November 14th EmergenSee officially becomes a part of a coveted list. Named by AlwaysOn as one of “The 2014 OnMobile 50 Companies to Watch” the company that brought the marketplace an unsurpassed personal safety app rises in the ranks. Deemed notable by the technology companies, investors, bankers, journalists and industry insiders that select the winners for the award, EmergenSee is lauded for its innovation. It ups the ante on 24/7 personal security with an app that offers a way to have a virtual 911 in one’s pocket. "We are honored to be selected as one of the Top 2014 OnMobile Companies to watch” said Phil Reitnour, founder of EmergenSee.