Exist Management LLC (ExistBI) very own Artificial Intelligence (AI) Specialist Tomi Krizan gives a compelling talk at the AI Congress in Vienna. This prestigious conference is known in the industry to provide visionary insight into the latest updates in the world of Machine Learning. The conference is attended by delegates from around the globe, with speakers from Companies such as Google, Spotify, Microsoft, Accenture and Viv giving insight into whether we can trust computer decisions, improving the user experience, rationalizing the black box and much more. Krizan's presentation covered how to best convey a message to your clients using Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). This is an area of special interest to him and he has a breadth of experience in this revolutionary field. Krizan applied the NLP approach alongside the Big Five dimensions (Extraversion, emotional stability, agreeableness, conscientiousness and openness to experience) to predict personality scores to then target your clients and customers appropriately. The talk was well received, with the audience providing positive feedback.