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Skiing and Other Social Sporting Activities Can Provide a Happiness Boost

With winter coming and the inevitable fall of snow, many will be hitting the slopes for annual ski trips. But what benefits does this activity provide aside from a little outdoor time while so many are trapped inside? Recent information published in the journal of Applied Research in Quality of Life looked at how those who engage in skiing during the winter months report more happiness and satisfaction, as well as positive physical affects, than those who stayed sedentary or engaged in other activities during the winter.

Maintain Weight Loss with Increased Exercise Amounts

The most essential keys to weight loss are diet and exercise, and a combination of the two will eventually (with enough time and motivation) bring a person their desired results. But harder than finding the motivation and time to lose the weight to begin with is keeping it off in the long run. Current recommendations on exercise are 30 minutes per day to stay healthy, but this may not be enough to keep lost weight from returning, especially if a person struggles with diet.

When to Discuss Activity with a Doctor

Most fitness experts and exercise programs recommend consulting with a doctor prior to beginning a new fitness regimen. But is this step really necessary? There are some questions a person can ask themselves to determine if they take this step for reassurance, or begin exercising and discuss their activities with a physician during their next physical.

Physical Activity Show to Improve Creative Thought

Exercise has long been though to improve cognitive function, and even author Henry David Thoreau quipped that his thoughts began to flow “the moment my legs began to move.” Though what was once theory is now fact as scientists have discovered that taking part in regular physical activity improves creativity and the overall thought process.

Refresher on Hydration Requirements

Eat well, exercise daily, drink more water – these are staples of advice on wellness from physicians, personal trainers, wellness coaches, and even people on the street. Eating well gives the body energy, exercise improves muscle tone and physical fitness, and water hydrates. But how much water do we need to stay hydrated, and what is the importance of hydration when we get water from food sources or other drinks like milk, juice, or sports drinks?

Athletic Wear Hits the Mainstream

Sweat suits and gym shorts used to be staple workout clothing, regulated to the back of the closet and only dug out when exercising or lounging about the house. But if dressing to fit the body can help a person eat less and watch their nutrition, perhaps dressing to fit the body during a workout can motivate a person to work harder, or try something new.

Fitness Gifts for Holidays and New Year's Resolutions

Christmas is a season followed by new goals and resolutions, many of which involve a person making healthier lifestyle choices, including adding physical activity to their daily routines. To compliment these goals, there are a variety of popular gifts for the fitness or health-minded person or anyone needing a nudge to get started with wellness activity.

Foods to Ease Muscle Soreness After Activity

Getting started with an exercise regimen is tough for several reasons: making the commitment, finding the time, and dealing with the inevitable soreness that accompanies new styles of physical exertion and movement. A key suggestion is to keep moving no matter what, but the pain can be eased with proper pre- and post-workout nutrition choices and foods that have been proven to speed up recovery time.

Healthy Aging Habits to Develop and Maintain

Those diagnosed with type 2 diabetes or obesity are often advised to make healthier food choices, incorporate daily exercise, refrain from smoking, and lose excess weight to improve their overall health condition. This advice, however, is appropriate for anyone trying to live a healthier lifestyle, not just those with a medical condition. With the focus in healthcare shifting from one of treatment to one of preventative measures, there are important steps you can take at any age or any health condition to stave off various conditions, and improve overall wellness.

Aerial Fitness for Strength Training

Strength training is an essential part of a good physical fitness regimen, but there are those who disdain lifting weights. For a unique approach to strength training that combines some cardiovascular work along with flexibility training, many are turning to aerial fitness classes offered at a variety of locations.