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Habits to Change for Improved Health

Many fitness articles and physicians focus on what we can add to our daily lives to make us healthier, but rarely do we talk about habits we should avoid. Aside from the normal suggestions to refrain from smoking, consuming excess sugary foods, and excess alcohol, there are a variety of other habits we can stop to improve our overall health status.

New Study Shows It's Never Too Late to Start Exercising

New information released by the British Journal of Sports Medicine has provided insight into a link between healthy aging and physical activity, no matter when the physical activity began.

Adapting Workouts During Injury Recovery

No matter how careful we are, injuries are a part of life. They can happen during the course of a workout, appear over time as the result of overtraining, stress, or improper form, or just happen while we’re walking down the icy streets. No matter how an injury happens, it’s important to know how to treat the injury and continue being active during the span of recovery.

Jumping Rope for Fitness

Sometimes what kept us fit and active in our youth can make a reappearance in adult life, bringing with it additional benefits we never considered as children. Jumping rope is one of these activities that children engage in but often give up with age. But recent studies have highlighted how this childhood exercise can improve agility, speed, and provide a fun, effective cardiovascular workout for those looking to improve health or lose weight.

Exercise Shown to Reduce Overall Hearing Loss

The benefits of being active are limitless, and the most recent organ added to the list of those that reap benefits from exercise are the ears. Yes, the ears. The American Journal of Medicine recently released a study showing that those who exercise regularly are less prone to hearing loss than others who are sedentary

Working with Personal Goals to Increase Physical Activity

Setting goals can be a powerful form of motivation when wanting to change lifestyle habits. A study recently looked at the habits of older women and found that, despite knowing that exercise and being active can promote healthy aging and other physical and mental benefits, a majority of those studied remained inactive due to other goals taking precedence.

The Basics of Eating a Paleo Diet

The Paleolithic Diet (Paleo Diet) has become a popular nutrition plan for those seeking weight-loss or a change to a healthier approach to nutrition. The diet is healthy overall, but can seem daunting to those wanting to get started. If interested, below are the basics approaches to engaging in the Paleo Diet and how one can make it work within their lifestyle.

Oatmeal Provides More Satiety Than Ready-Made Cereals

Weight loss or control and general healthy living tends to focus on one primary strategy – healthy eating habits. While there are many facets to the complicated problem of obesity, eating healthy is staple in any lifestyle change enacted to deal with this health issue. When looking at food consumption and benefits, researchers recently compared the effects of oatmeal consumption against those who regularly ate ready-made breakfast cereals. The results showed that oatmeal came out on top when working to improve appetite control.

Minor Workout Adjustments for Major Improvements

An exercise routine is essential to increasing fitness performance, but every so often the routine needs adjustments. Switching exercises or modifying certain moves to make them more difficult will keep the muscles of the body guessing and help push the body over any plateaus a person is experiencing.

Overtraining vs. Being Sedentary - Both Can Be Detrimental to Overall Health

Exercise enthusiasts are known for spending hours at the gym or carving time out of their day for miles long jogs, walks, or cycling tours. While being active is essential to overall wellness, recent studies have shown that overtraining or exercising too much can be just as harmful to the body as remaining sedentary.