
EyeCarePro Announces Sponsorship of CEIsrael Optometry

Logo“Destination continuing education” can be found in almost every country in the world and now for the first time, a unique approach to continuing education will be available in 2014 and 2015 in Israel. Recognized for their online marketing services and virtual conferences (SiB and CEiB), EyeCarePro EyeCarePro is now expanding their educational programs by sponsoring two upcoming, live continuing education programs that will be held in Israel and combined with once-in-a-lifetime cultural and historic tour activities.

EyeCarePro Congratulates Clarus Optical, Named Transitions Eyecare Practice of the Year

LogoEyeCarePro congratulates its client, Clarus Optical of Lacey Washington, for being awarded Transitions Eyecare Practice of the Year. 2013 marks the third year the Practice of The Year has been recognized and the second time an EyeCarePro Practice has been the winning recipient of the award.