Family Dental Care Center of Oxon Hill, Maryland has provided a breakdown of basic signs and symptoms of Dry Mouth, or xerostomia (ZEER-oh-STOH-mee-ah), clearing the way for sufferers to identify the causes and effects of the disorder and how to address its treatment. Dry mouth, on the surface, is just that - the chronic feeling that the mouth isn’t producing enough saliva. The person with dry mouth will feel a parched sensation in the mouth, on the tongue and across the hard and soft palette sections of the mouth and throat. Many people can experience dry mouth occasions, whether caused by stress, dehydration or nervous response. These occasions can be addressed easily and directly by hydrating the mouth and body properly. However, some people suffer from this type of dryness constantly. When this is the case, dry mouth is indicative of a range of more severe complications, diseases and conditions.