Posted on Tuesday, December 09, 2014 at 12:22 pm CST
Writer Mark Terry wants condominium associations to understand the importance of obtaining a reliable insurance policy to protect their property. In his online article "6 Condo Insurance Questions" he outlines why this type of insurance is so essential. Mr. Terry writes, "Insurance coverage presents a direct difference between the ownership of a home or a condo. Condominium owners are usually held responsible for insuring just their own unit and the small portion of property in which they reside."
Source: Farmer Brown Insurance Agency
Posted on Tuesday, September 09, 2014 at 9:57 am CDT
According to NFIB, eleven percent of small business owners state they've been sued for liability in the past five years. Although this number has stayed fairly stable over the past two decades, 47 percent of small business owners report they are very or somewhat concerned about a liability case. For this reason, most opt to purchase insurance to protect them from relevant or frivolous cases.
Source: Farmer Brown Insurance Agency