
Color of Mood Can be Measured

New major update of DevPlanner, personal planning and productivity tool, includes possibility to measure emotional state using mood colors map.

Are You Worrying About Remaining Work?

Latest features of DevPlanner, daily planning and time management tool, help safely forgetting about remaining work and concentrate only on current task.

Micro-deadlines can preserve milestones.

Personal planning and DevPlanner can reduce a risk of work underestimating and future penalties for missed deadlines.

DevPlanner helps coordinating plans inside a team

DevPlanner, personal planning and estimating tool, released with a new report "Daily Time Plan" what helps coordinating plans inside a team and increasing whole team performance and managing ability.

Meet Your Project Deadlines and Milestones with DevPlanner

Fedorenko introduces new version of DevPlanner with deadlines calendar what allows controlling milestone commitments early and easily every day.

DevPlanner Became the Top Rated Productivity Application on Tucows.

DevPlanner received 5 cows, the highest Tucows rating. In addition to increased popularity of the software it gets on the first place of the top rated in productivity column, before Microsoft Live Meeting, Salon Iris and Quick Notes Plus.