Feng Shui 4 Today

Bedroom Feng Shui Creating Balance for Better Living

Feng shui for the bedroom is a growing hot topic among people sensitive to Mother Earth energies who want to increase balance in their personal lives. Starting in the place where we typically spend about 1/3rd of our lives, the bedroom, people seem to be getting desirable results.

California Feng Shui Consultant Discloses How Local Businesses Can Become Money Magnets

A San Marcos, CA's leading feng shui consultant Janet Sandquist has promised all San Marcos business owners she's ready to help them turn their business into money making maqines.

Feng Shui House Consultant Brings Prosperity Chi to New Home Owners

According to leading San Marcos CA feng shui consultant Janet Sandquist, feng shui house decorating is popular among those wishing to enhance positive chi and prosperity in their newly purchased home.

Feng Shui Home Decor Trending Up Says Expert Janet Sandquist

Feng Shui decorating is rapidly becoming a strong up trend among those wishing to enhance their living space using elements of feng shui home decor.