Posted on Thursday, December 08, 2016 at 1:30 am CST
Just in time for another one of those, "Why didn't I think of that?" moments, Festlicher launches a holiday must-have on Kickstarter. They've upped the ante on a holiday focal point to wow crowdfunders just in time for Christmas 2017. Knowing that there's nary a soul who hasn't tussled with a Christmas tree all too unwilling to stand straight for its close up, Festlicher has fixed the leaning Tannenbaum issue. Taking a cue from the Christmas song for which they're country's famous, the Germany-based Festlicher has married the digital age to an age old tradition. They're introducing the Happy Tree Xmas Tree Stand to bolster the Christmas cheer of holiday lovers with tinsel, strings of lights, and ornaments in hand. All a Christmas tree hugger in search of a straight tree has to do is set it in the stand, take a seat, and straighten it out with a remote control. This is so handy dandy; it makes one wonder if Santa Claus thought of it himself. Or, was it the elves?
Source: Festlicher