Posted on Monday, July 22, 2013 at 2:22 pm CDT
The GIF format is an image file format invented by Compuserv, an early Internet service provider, in 1987. Since then it has become one of the world’s most dominant file formats. In the past it was used as a way to transfer graphics without using as much bandwidth as higher definition file formats, but now it tends to be used to create animations that can be easily shared.
Source: Free Pic Resizer
Posted on Friday, July 12, 2013 at 10:27 am CDT
The internet has been likened to the culture of ancient Egypt: everyone is writing on walls and worshipping cats. That said, there is one particularly popular side of the internet that such a metaphor leaves out- the creation of image macros. This practice of combining images with clear text to create humorous juxtapositions has provided the world with a wealth of easy to digest, disposable comedy that lightens the mood in an office or whiles away hours of downtime. Now, with Free Meme Creator, everyone can create high quality memes direct from their PC to get in on the action.
Source: Free Pic Resizer