Freebird Publishers

National Author Discovers the Need for Pen Pals in American Prison System

LogoIn collaboration with Freebird Publishers, Krista Smith moves the world with the most informative book on how prisoners can not only find pen pals but also how to keep them interested. In her book, PEN PALS: A Personal Guide For Prisoners ( ), Krista explains the ins and outs of keeping pen pals interested and inspired to continue an outside relationship.

Freebird Publishers Grooms Their Next Great Author

LogoFreebird Publishers raises their next great author. Troy Traylor will likely be the next up-and-coming best-selling author on the notable publishing company's list of success stories. His books are informative cookbooks that please a wide variety of people. ( ).

Nationally Known Publisher Beats Recidivism with Success

LogoSuccessful reentry for most released prisoners is a questionable endeavor. Many return to crime for economic reasons like the inability to find gainful employment and the lack of social support. Freebird Publishers, however, supplies both ( ). One of Freebird Publishers' most meaningful efforts is their Prison Authors program. This program has paved the way for many prisoners to become published authors and who become very successful when they finally reach the outside world. One such former prisoner is Kelly Patrick Riggs.

National Publisher Brings New Life to the Less Fortunate

LogoThere is no hope better than the hope of financial security. Many Americans dream of making more money while working less. The hardest group of people to provide such opportunity to is American prisoners. Freebird Publishers, however, does just that. They have made best-selling authors out of the least likely people to achieve anything. One such prisoner is Anthony Tinsman. ( ).

Poor Communication Is the Leading Cause of Bad Relationships

LogoThere is no question of how important communication is to a relationship. Relationships in and beyond America, whether it be your friends, your boss, business partners, or a spouse, depend on good communication. This can also include the method of communication that a person uses. For prisoners who have no access to all the modern methods of communication, being able to write a good letter is paramount. To assist the least fortunate of the American population, Freebird Publishers released How to Write a Good Letter from Prison. ( ).

Freebird Publishers Promotes Prison Reform and Sentence Correction

LogoAmericans with incarcerated loved ones know what unduly harsh sentences can do to families. They also know prosecutors and courts will use false information to exacerbate a prison term. To effect change, Freebird Publishers continues collaborating with advocate and author Kelly Patrick Riggs ( ) to bring hope. Freebird Publishers and Kelly Patrick Riggs continue to produce the leading self-help books on post-conviction relief.

Freebird Publishers Helps Inmates Pass the Time with Entertainment

LogoFreebird Publishers collaborates with leading prison author Mike Enemigo to help inmates and their families cope with America's separation strain. Mr. Enemigo is known for his unique approach to prison entertainment.

The Good Life Starts After Leaving Prison for Published Authors

LogoFreebird Publishers continue to support their authors after they leave prison. Freebird Publishers has touched many prisoners with the gift of success. They continue to transform incarcerated Americans into successful published authors effectively changing life for those touched and their families. They focus on all aspects of the author's life including maintaining good relationships while incarcerated with books such as Parent to Parent by William J. Patterson ( )

Studies Have Found That Crime Is Linked to Poverty

LogoFreebird Publishers makes a national effort to fight poverty and crime together. This young publishing company has discovered that fighting poverty is a healthy way to fight crime as well. They have taken a handful of prisoners and showed them a process to earn a meaningful living even while incarcerated. Their effort also extends to life after prison and is now available to all incarcerated Americans and their families. This process begins with learning how to live Life With A Record ( )

Author Speaks out About Productive Life After Prison

LogoIn 2016, best-selling author Kelly Patrick Riggs was given a gift by the CEO of Freebird Publishers. He was given the gift of success ( ) in the most unlikely of places. And now he shares the secret to his success with others.