Freebird Publishers

Publishing Company Gets Ahead in the Fight Against Recidivism

LogoAs prisoners live out their sentence, their time should be spent rehabilitating their behavior and giving them a new perspective on their actions. When you know better, you do better, right? Well, what if the situation of a person's past, which led to mistakes, does not change? They are bound to repeat their indiscretions. Therefore, Freebird Publishers distributes a book of change. The current Inmate Shopper, Annual 2020-21 is the largest inmate resource guide to higher learning and changed lives.

Getting Away with Elderly Abuse and Medical Malpractice

LogoNationally known publishing company stands its ground in the fight against elderly abuse. It is common-enough knowledge that the American Criminal Justice system now holds more debilitated seniors than any nursing home in the nation, and their abuse starts with being denied their right to be relief from captivity. It is also recognized that mass incarceration did not end with the First Step Act. Nor did the prison system automatically review the cases of all eligible prisoners upon becoming qualified. In response Freebird Publishers released their most recent legal self-help book, Post-Conviction Relief: Second Last Chance.

Weight-Loss Secrets for the Hard Cases

LogoLosing weight in the carbohydrate, sugary, processed food world we live in today, can seem impossible. Combine these conditions with boredom, depression and loneliness and you create a formula for failure. Recent studies have shown that those most affected are young people who are currently a part of institutional living. This is true for universities, boarding homes, jails and prisons. Studies also show that 16 percent of college students struggle with maintaining a healthy weight and ultimately depression, which also influences their academic performance. Likewise, the obesity rate of incarcerated Americans is higher than the 52% national average. Help is now here.

First Ever Published, Source of Compassionate Release Motion Examples

LogoEven after receiving stimulus checks and President Biden's proposed relief package, many qualified prisoners will still be unable to afford to hire a lawyer to file a motion for Compassionate Release. Freebird Publishers ( strives to fill the void for sick, elderly and deserving incarcerated Americans who can't pay ridiculously high legal fees. In 2018, Congress passed a law allowing prisoners to seek Compassionate Release. Yet today, thousands of qualified prisoners are still incarcerated due to poverty.

President Biden's Covid Relief Plan Includes a $1400 Stimulus Payment

LogoAmericans continue to struggle as the Covid-19 pandemic rages on. No less affected are the incarcerated people in federal and state prisons. In response the Biden administration announces a new pandemic relief plan. Within that plan is a proposed payment of $1400 to qualifying Americans, even prisoners. To further assist Americans Freebird Publishers ( announces their new service that allows incarcerated people to file for their latest stimulus payment.

Publishing Company Raises the Spirits of People Amid Pandemic

LogoThe world has experienced one of the most difficult years in human history. People all over have been affected and now seek alternatives to find some sense of normalcy. In times like these it is those who act extraordinary that make a difference for everyone. In this difficult time Freebird Publishers ( reaches out to help everyone with Valentine's Day gift giving ideas for inmates, they even arrange for shipping.

Millions of Americans Are Thankful That 2020 Is Almost Over

LogoMillions of Americans make vows of personal change at the first of every year. Some New Year's resolutions are long lasting and life changing choices, and others are less effective. After a year like the last, most people just want to be normal again. This year, however, normal has been changed forever.

New Years Is Here Everyone, the Time for Change Is Now

LogoNew Years is just around the corner and change is required to escape the current path of people in America. The last nine months have proven to make 2020 one of the most challenging years in history. The impact of the Coronavirus pandemic has changed the impression of prosperity, in the minds of people worldwide. Jobs have been lost, retirement plans have been spent and successful businesses have closed their doors forever. But not all things are created equal. This year, an independent publishing company shared a Covid proof income opportunity with a small number of Americans, many of which were incarcerated.

Shopping for the Holidays Made Easy

LogoThere are few things that are more stressful than a long list of loved ones to buy for, only days before the big season of gift giving. This year, for the first time since the beginning of the holiday season, stores across America limited access to the public during the coveted Black Friday shopping extravaganza. Other places like local department stores closed their doors all together, in an effort to slow the spread of the Corona virus. This new era in which we now live, is causing even the oldest members of our communities to find new ways to shop for gifts for their loved ones.

A Gift to an Incarcerated Loved One This Year

LogoThis year has proven itself to be the most difficult time to give a gift in history. The nation has suffered through social distancing, job loss and the closures of the most common places in which we all shop for the holidays. This holiday season has been tough on everyone and to compound this issue some families also have to plan and think about an incarcerated loved one.