
Infinite Gifts Ministries Seeks Contributors for CrowdFunding a Property

Infinite Gifts Ministries is pleased to announce that they have chosen a bright and beautiful property, an off-the-grid house which is not just energy efficient but also has farming facility and other unique features. The large property will be used for ministry and community outreach purposes. The project is now available for crowd funding on where free crowd funding campaigns and projects are listed.

Nonprofit Infinite Gifts Ministries Seeks Crowd Funding for Buying an Energy Efficient off-the-Grid House

Infinite Gifts Ministries is pleased to announce that they have chosen a bright and beautiful property, an off-the-grid house which is not just energy efficient but also has farming facility and other unique features. The large property will be used for ministry and community outreach purposes. The project is now available for crowd funding on where free crowd funding campaigns and projects are listed.