Genesage Life Insurance Quotes Publishes New Information About Insurance Coverage in the United Kingdom

According to the Association of British Insurers, the United Kingdom boasts the largest European insurance industry and the third largest on the globe. As of 2013, individuals held 29.3 million whole of life, term, critical illness and income protection policies in the country, with another 2.1 million collective life policies. Statistics such as this show people understand the importance of life insurance coverage, yet one should never pay more than they must for protection of this type.

Genesage Life Insurance Quotes Launches Web Based Insurance Quotation Engine

Statistics from the medical industry depict an annual average of approximately 80 million accidental injuries, the majority of which lead to missed time from work and lost wages. Though they may be unaware of these numbers, research indicates the average family in the United Kingdom only has the financial means to survive for 17 days following such an occurrence without the benefit of income protection insurance. Many who currently hold a job simply do not have time in their schedule to search for affordable income protection coverage policies. In consideration of these numbers, Genesage Life Insurance Quotes is proud to launch its new web based quotation engine for UK income protection and life insurance customers.