Golden View

Golden View Has Finished Uploading 8 Languages to the New Website

Today, Golden View, which is a professional translation and localization provider, has finished uploading 8 languages to the new website Golden View Biz. Those eight languages are Chinese, Japanese, Korean, English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish.

Top 4 Translation Solutions for Cross-country Road Warriors

Cross-country travel is not uncommon today. High technology shortens the distance among countries. However, language problem becomes a nuisance to enjoy our big time in the travel. How to solve such problem is a must for happy and smooth travel. Here lists 4 translation solutions for cross country road warriors.

Electronics Translation Solution from Golden View

Golden View, which has been a leading translation and localization providers based in China since 1996, is committed to offering high professional electronics translation services. The company could translate over 60 languages in this area, including most Asian and European languages. It has translated numerous materials related to semi-conductor, crystal oscillator, electronic components, sensors, capacitors, and so on. Golden View ( has also operated various big electronics localization projects. So one of the features of this company in this area is it has rich experience.

Language Localization VS Translation

Localization is a very strange word to quite a few of people today. However, localization is influencing our global village and economy all the time and this element has already been the key to our international business success. Have you ever thought why Google couldn't defeat Baidu in China? The language constraint. Could pure translation work make our products or services accept by our intended market? The answer is "far from enough". Localizing what we want to do business plays an important role in our business expansion and prosperity.