
Plexus Worldwide Pushes for Effective Weight Loss

The number of obese adults in developing countries has risen by more than four times to almost a billion people since 1980, according to a recent report of a UK-based think tank. As it urges governments to find effective methods for their citizens to take a healthier lifestyle, the Overseas Development Institute said that one in three adults worldwide are overweight.

Plexus Slim Accelerator Finds Niche Among Diabetics

“Slim with Plexus” is the new battle cry of diabetics attempting to lose weight despite the higher risk associated with such group of individuals. Plexus Slim Accelerator now focuses on this new target market as studies demonstrate how their primary product, once prescribed as an alternative treatment for diabetes for its blood sugar regulatory properties, shows weight loss properties as well. For many diabetics, the news translates to hitting two birds with one stone.