
Connecticut Govt May Cut 1,000 of State Jobs to Close Deficit, Governmentcrossing Finds 25,000 Jobs

Governor Dannel Malloy of Connecticut is planning to cut over 5,000 jobs and leave another 1,000 jobs vacant in a bid to close the budget deficit.

Layoffs in Government Jobs Threaten Economic Recovery Says Report, Governmentcrossing Finds 23,000 Jobs

The Labor Department’s latest figures show that local governments cut 267,000 jobs and state governments cut 24,000 jobs from May 2010 to May 2011.

Private Sector Jobs Gains Stays Anemic in August, Governmentcrossing Finds over 9,000 Jobs

GovernmentCrossing is a niche job aggregator site, targeting only jobs available in the government. The site has been able to find over 9,000 government jobs at the local, state and federal level this week.

500,000Job Cuts Expected at Local and State Government Level, but 18,000 Jobs Listed on Governmentcrossing

GovernmentCrossing, a job aggregator site, has been able to list almost 18,000 jobs across the state and local government agencies, with 12,000 vacancies being posted just this month.