Posted on Thursday, January 12, 2017 at 3:00 am CST
It is a well-known fact that New Year's resolutions often fall flat in early Jan - this is due to people making overwhelming and unattainable resolutions that are difficult to stick to. However, a new year presents all with a chance to change our lives for the better, even if approached in baby steps. This year, like many prior, it has become apparent that many are making health-related resolutions, and in line with this Forbes has recently released an article stating 10 health-related resolutions to consider – urging all to take the plunge, even if it is now slightly late. (It's better late than never.)
Source: Grow & Harvest UK Ltd
Posted on Friday, January 06, 2017 at 3:15 am CST
The Daily Mail has recently released a new article which claims that children who don't eat fruit and vegetables are 53% more at risk of getting Asthma. Fruit and vegetables contain a lot of nutrients which naturally boosts the immune system, however with children not eating enough it means that they're more at risk of getting asthma. It has been said that 5.4 million people in the UK alone suffer from this condition which effects breathing.
Source: Grow & Harvest UK Ltd
Posted on Wednesday, November 23, 2016 at 11:55 am CST
Hops are one of the most vital ingredients in beer. Typically they only flower once per year in the mountainous state however since January the owner of this said greenhouse Bill Bauerle has efficiently raised and picked four hefty crops – thanks to the manipulative powers of his colour changing LED lights and other innovative equipment.
Source: Grow & Harvest UK Ltd
Posted on Friday, November 18, 2016 at 9:49 am CST
One leading farmer, Guy Poskitt, has warned that if post-Brexit immigration controls prevent thousands of Eastern Europeans from working in the UK, the results could be incredibly damaging, claiming that it is simply impossible to source enough British labourers to do the work. This is because locals are not willing to take the up the available jobs in agriculture because of the physical labour and small prospects for advancement – even when they pay well above minimum wage.
Source: Grow & Harvest UK Ltd
Posted on Wednesday, October 26, 2016 at 3:30 am CDT
For years meat has been the centre-point of the American dinner plate, with vegetables a lot of the time being used simply to add colour and accessorise the meat- however according to a number of reports this could now be changing, with more and more people choosing vegetables over meat.
Source: Grow & Harvest UK Ltd
Posted on Tuesday, October 18, 2016 at 11:39 am CDT
Grow & Harvest, a highly reputable company within the hydroponics industry has now further extended their collections, with the addition of Advanced Nutrients products. Advanced Nutrients are the first available nutrients which have been specifically designed for hydroponic growing and have therefore been made with the intentions to enable high yields and fast growths. It is anticipated that soon, almost all hydroponic growers will be utilising these award winning nutrients.
Source: Grow & Harvest UK Ltd