Health Source Acupuncture has recently moved into a new office location in Linwood, New Jersey. The office was located 2 miles down the road in Northfield, but the recent move makes Health Source Acupuncture a resident of a new township and the first and only full service Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine specialist in Linwood. To go along with the move, they also launched a new website to promote both of its New Jersey acupuncture clinics. Health Source Acupuncture provides a wide range of holistic and innovative services to residents of Linwood and Toms River, New Jersey. The new website allows appointment scheduling online for both locations, making it easier than ever to schedule an acupuncture appointment with Health Source. The website also provides an opportunity for patients to get a look inside Health Source Acupuncture, by reading the behind the scenes blog. The website also features success stories of Health Source Acupuncture, where patient testimonials are available.