Posted on Thursday, March 14, 2013 at 9:30 am CDT
Many businesses are constantly sending customer’s their bills. Today, HealthPac is offering automated medical billing software. This software is used by health industries. Medical billing can seem like an endless process, because medical and health industries constantly have patients coming in. Even when the facility has a system for this “repetitive” job, humans are controlling that system and if the process is manual, it is prone to human error. When an error occurs in medical billing, major financial complications can occur for both the patients and healthcare facility. When HealthPac is used, the system will no longer be prone to human error, because it is automated.
Source: HealthPac
Posted on Thursday, January 31, 2013 at 1:09 pm CST
There are many businesses out there that spend a large amount of time sending customer’s bills. HealthPac has recently announced their medical billing software, which will cut the amount of time it takes to send bills in half. With HealthPac’s software, any office can go paperless. The software allows workers to scan any type of document or image they desire. If the system is server based, the documents will be stores on the server and if the company uses the ASP model, the documents will be placed on HealthPac’s servers. The software is customizable in order to make sure it fits the needs of every business.
Source: HealthPac
Posted on Tuesday, October 16, 2012 at 10:44 am CDT
The health and medical is a large industry catering to a market that is pretty much everyone. Everybody gets sick and needs health care regardless of age, gender or background. And so it is understandable why this industry is so large and its services are so vast. Some of the major challenges that large industries catering to such a large market such as this, involve the area of the financial transactions. The medical billing process is repetitive and the data has so many variants, and the patients receiving the medical bills are endless. Medical billing is a meticulous and heavy process for the medical staff, and the endless number of patients waiting to receive their bills makes this process take up a lot of time and prone to mistakes. HealthPac comes up with a solution for this by providing a medical billing software.
Source: HealthPac