Hearing Aid Buyer Today

Hearing Aid Buyer Today Releases New Guide for Online Shoppers

Hearing Aid Buyer Today announced the immediate availability of its in-depth guide to buying hearing aids online. The company's web site, a comprehensive destination for those seeking reviews and information regarding hearing aids, sports a large selection of such free resources. The newest guide is designed to allow even those who lack experience making these critical purchases online to acquire all of the knowledge necessary to do so successfully.

Hearing Aid Buyer Today Launches Awareness Campaign

According to Action on Hearing Loss, 10 million citizens in England, or 1 in 6, state they suffer from hearing loss to some degree, with more than 800,000 determined to be severely or profoundly deaf. Hearing aids assist those suffering from a hearing impairment, yet consumers often find they don't know which model to purchase, due to the many choices available. "Hearing Aid Buyer Today (hearingaidbuyertoday.com) offers information on various models along with information on hearing loss and advances in the treatment of this condition," Jenny Whitcliff, website spokesperson, declares.