
Silicon Valley in Recruiting Frenzy for Tech Talent, Informationtechnologycrossing Finds 7,500 Jobs in Bay Area

Startups and established tech companies are in a recruiting mode that is making software engineers in high demand once again.

CS Graduates in Good Position As Tech Hiring Improves; Informationtechnologycrossing Finds 95,000 Jobs

InformationTechnologyCrossing, a job aggregator site for the computer industry, has seen a sharp rise in the number of openings posted on employer sites. The site was able to track down 95,000 new jobs in the last seven days alone.

Major IT Survey Finds Most States Facing Shortage of IT Workers; Informationtechnologycrossing Finds 37,000 Jobs

The shortage of software engineers and other IT staff means that those in the right place are in the driver’s seat. InformationTechnologyCrossing.

New Graduates in Computer Science Still Getting Excellent Offers, Informationtechnologycrossing Finds 36,000 Jobs in Nationwide.

The University of Washington‘s computer science and engineering seniors have reported that their starting salaries are as high as $105,000. The long term trend for computer science majors is excellent according to the President’s Council of Advisors on Science & Technology.

Silicon Valley Keeps Adding Jobs at a Slow Rate, Informationtechnologycrossing Finds 15,000 Jobs

But California’s unemployment rate stayed at a high 12 percent and the state lost almost 12,000 jobs between February and March. This marked the end of five months of consecutive jobs gains.

Dell to Open R&D Center In Silicon Valley, Informationtechnologycrossing Finds 16,500 Jobs There

Most of the tech firms in Silicon Valley have a lot of job openings available on their websites. This is particularly true of startups that do not have huge funds available to advertise their openings on the usual public job boards.

Ford Leads Detroit Firms in Luring Techies, Informationtechnologycrossing Finds 4,500 Jobs

Ford’s Doug VanDagens, director of its connected service solutions says that the company is on a growth binge. Engineers with skills in cloud computing and mobile software applications are in high demand.

Silicon Valley Adds 14,000 Jobs in 2010, InformationTechnologyCrossing Finds 17,000 Jobs in Area

Silicon Valley emerged as the area with the highest average salary in IT at $99,028 per year. 29% of the private workforce in the region was employed in the tech industry in 2009, the highest in the nation.

Silicon Valley Shows Jobs Gains for 2010, Informationtechnologycrossing Finds 8,000 Jobs in Area

InformationTechnologyCrossing, a job aggregator website for people in the IT industry, has seen a huge increase in the number of IT job postings in Silicon Valley. The site has been able to gather over 8,000 job postings in Silicon Valley.

Google to Hire over 1,000 Employees in Michigan, Informationtechnologycrossing Finds 58,000 Jobs

The trend in IT hiring across the country is definitely on the upswing. InformationTechnologyCrossing, a job aggregator website for people in the IT industry, has seen a huge increase in the number of IT job postings.