Posted on Thursday, June 12, 2014 at 9:30 am CDT
Creative people come up with unusual ideas and new inventions daily, but they don't know what to do with their ideas, and far too many end up being stuck in the back of a desk drawer simply because of a lack of knowledge of what patents are and how they work. In the United States, a patent is essentially a form of intellectual property. The inventor (or his proxy) applies to the United States Patent and Trademark Office for what is basically a type of copyright to prohibit other people from making, selling or importing that invention for a set amount of time. In return, the inventor agrees to provide detailed public disclosure regarding what they have originated. There are utility patents, design patents, software, hardware, plant, product and invention patents. Patents generally only apply in the countries in which they've been applied for, and they usually last for 20 years. In the hopes of encouraging more people to apply for patents for the goods, technology and/or designs they've innovated, Intellectual Pats ( is currently offering a free 15 minute consultation with a qualified patent attorney to discuss the feasibility of obtaining a patent. Intellectual Pats ( also provides the latest information on patent laws and provides a directory of patent attorneys.
Source: Intellectual Pats