JiJi Technologies

Active Directory Cleaner Prices Slashed - JiJi Active Directory Cleaner

JiJi Active Directory Cleaner is a simple house keeping tool to optimise the performance of Active Directory.Organization can make use of it for maintain their active directory clean and secure.

JiJi Active Directory Reports v4.0.3.1 from JiJi Technologies to Generate Reports from Active Directory Objects

JiJi Active Directory Reports tool with advance features, comforts the Administrators to manage active directory by generating more than 150 out of box reports of Active Directory objects efficiently.

JiJi Password Expiration Notification

Password Reminder Pro Active Alert Tool is a simple to use, proactive password and account expiration auditing solution for Active Directory.This tool supports customized notification for password and account expiration. Friendly target scope-selection.Support for e-mail notifications for Users and Managers

Active Directory Help Desk Password Reset

Active Directory Help Desk Password Reset is a simple tool to reset password in Active Directory and managing account-lockout. Active Directory Help Desk Password Reset supports administrator to assign permission to a certain User,Group or OU as "Helpdesk Admin" to reset password or unlock account for any User,Group or OU which are configured as "Manged Users".

JiJi GPOExIm - Group Policy Export Import Tool

AD GPO Export Import Tool is a well equipped tool for administrators in managing GPO settings in microsoft windows active directory . AD GPO Export Import Tool supports friendly scope selection and lists the live-GPOs and GPO-backups .It also provides the same view as GPMC,so that administrators can edit,export,import the GPO settings effortlessly. AD GPO Export Import Tool supports administrators to Export/Import a paritcular setting from a live-GPO to a Backed up GPO and vice versa.It also supports administrators to Cut/Copy/Paste/Remove individual settings between two GPOs or two Backed up GPOs.It helps in reducing the number of GPOs in the domain.It helps in advanced GPO testing, cross domain data manipulations by working along with GPMC.It supports different platforms and operating systems.

JiJi Password Expiration Notification

JiJi Password Expiration Notification is a simple tool to use, proactive password and account expiration auditing solution for Active Directory. Organizations can use this information for regulatory audits and resources management.

JiJi Active Directory Reports v4.0.3.0

JiJi Technologies today announced the commercial availability of JiJi Active Directory Reports v4.0.3.0. JiJi Technologies is a global leader in systems management and security solutions for Active Directory & Group Policy based environment.