Joe Bragg

Social Men Rule Publishes Suite of New Editorial Content Alongside Girlfriend Activation System Review

Pick Up Artists have been widely criticized in the media for being manipulative, sex-focused aggressors who undermine women's self confidence to trick them into bed. While some deserve such derision, Social Men Rule helps men parse these out from the relationship consultants who are worth their time. The site has recently updated with a suite of new content to help men navigate the troubling politics of dating and body image, alongside a newly published review of a very different kind of pick up artist manual – the Girlfriend Activation System.

Work Boots Reviews Publishes New Suite of Reviews Including Latest Men's and Women's Boots and Accessories

When working in construction, the proper protection equipment is essential to be able to work on site. The two most important areas that require protection are the head and the feet. While most work sites will provide hard hats, boots need to be suited to each individual, and their needs. When workers are looking for the best boots, they often consult online reviews. Work Boots Reviews aims to be a one stop shop for workers, and has updated with new insights into men's and women's boots, as well as the latest accessories.

Sacramento Handyman Launches New Video to Promote Their Services Virally Online

Around the house, things inevitably go wrong, and things people never thought about in years, like doors and fences, can suddenly cause them real trouble. In these cases, many people with little to no practical experience may choose to try and resolve the problem themselves and end up spending more money on repairing their repairs than they would by calling in the experts. Sacramento Handyman services is the most popular and well-rated service in Sacramento, and they have created a new online video to help introduce themselves to new audiences.

Forever Love Locks Condemns the Removal of Locks from Paris Pont Des Artes Bridge

Love locks are engraved padlocks that have been used in a marriage tradition for couples for over a hundred years, starting in Serbia during the darkness of World War 1 to symbolize the unbreakable nature of love for departing soldiers. Since then it has become a tradition all over the world, and nowhere more so than in Paris, the city of love. Forever Love Locks creates incredible bespoke lovelocks for couples, and have spoken out against the removal of more than forty five tons of locks from the Paris Pont Des Artes Bridge.

Panda Paper Roll Reaches Milestone 500th International Client for Thermal Printer Paper Rolls

Receipts are printed for almost every transaction made in a store, marking the exchange of billions and billions of dollars worth of currency. As a result, there is always a demand for printer roll paper to print these receipts, and the vast majority of these rolls are made in China. Panda Paper Roll specializes in this form of manufacture, and is China's largest provider. They have now become the China's number one exporter of thermal paper rolls after securing their 500th international client, reaching a major milestone in the global marketplace.

TV Store Online Undergoes Complete Website Overhaul to Offer Superior Service to Customers

TV has left an indelible imprint on popular culture, and entertainment has shaped pop culture more than any other medium. People now seek to identify and express themselves through what shows they love by buying the merchandise, and adults are finding themselves free to express these passions without ridicule. is a website that helps people source the very best t-shirts, merchandise and outfits from the greatest TV shows of the nineties and the present day, and has redesigned its website to provide a superior user experience.

Design Webz Launches to Help People with Blogging Including How to Create Their Own Blog with WordPress

WordPress is one of the most powerful, versatile and user friendly platforms for online website design and management in the world. It is by far and away the most popular format for professional bloggers, e-commerce stores and more. However, for those just starting out, or looking to take their blog to the next level, converting to WordPress may seem daunting. Design Webz is a website created specifically to help people get the most out of using WordPress through a huge range of freely available resources.

Ecigaretteopedia Launches New Encyclopedia of E Cigarette Brands with Detailed Ecigarette Public Reviews

E cigarettes are quickly becoming an international phenomenon, as they become increasingly popular among individuals looking for an alternative to smoking. The E Cigarette is a vaporizer that uses a water-based agent to deliver nicotine and flavors to the user, instead of combustible elements that generate tar and other damaging emissions. Because of their popularity, many more people are looking to find out more from an independent, unbiased source. Ecigaretteopedia is a new website created to be that source, and has just launched in order to provide the best and most independent information on e cigarette brands and usage.

Best Probiotics Publishes Suite of New Probiotic Supplement Reviews for Balancing Gut Flora

The scientific argument has stood for a long time that a human being is actually a super-organism – without the millions of so-called 'friendly bacteria' that occupy our bodies, we would not be able to survive. Our gut flora is the most diverse of these bacteria, and the most essential, but our lifestyles and diet can damage the health of these bacteria, leading people to require probiotic supplements that aid digestion and metabolism. is a blog dedicated to reviewing these supplements, and has just published a new suite of materials on the latest products available.

IM to Win Publishes New Review on List Academy by Anik Singal and the Forthcoming Email Lifeline

Blogging starts out as a fun hobby for many people, but few take the leap to try and make a profit out of it. This is baffling to those who have forged an internet marketing career, who understand how fundamental a blog is to business success, and how important email marketing can be to any business. - Review and Bonus is a website that specializes in helping people find the latest strategies to monetize the internet effectively, and they have just published a new review and powerful bonus for Anik Singal's List Academy.