Posted on Monday, April 07, 2014 at 12:01 pm CDT
Brown University recently conducted a study to determine the United States cities with the highest rates of divorce, and many were surprised to learn that four of these cities are located in the state of Florida. Panama City actually ranks first not only in terms of Divorce In Florida, but first in the United States overall. The other three cities listed in the top ten list are Deltona, Palm Bay, and Jacksonville.
Source: Legal Brains
Posted on Friday, February 28, 2014 at 3:30 pm CST
With more than 50 million injuries occurring in the United States each year, Florida's numbers rank among the highest in the nation. Varying in severity and nature, the majority of victims suffer from work related injuries, vehicle accidents and slip and fall situations. State records reveal almost 40 percent of these situations go unresolved, leaving the victim with mounting medical bills and numerous additional expenses.
Source: Legal Brains