What's holding you back from writing or finishing a book? It's a question that most certainly every single person who's ever meant to write something has asked themselves at some point. More often than not, it's the tail end of the process that can become a setback. When it's time to start considering editing, distribution, promotion, media, and the actual publishing process, things can get a little foggy, especially for first timers. Lifestyle Entrepreneurs Press comes in as a facilitator, an author-centric publishing house that focuses on helping authors - or soon to be authors - find their own, unique voices, embrace and trust the work they've done, and finally, share that work with the world. All the while LE Press is preparing authors to build, understand and value their brand so they can become entrepreneurs; as well as guiding already established CEOs and entrepreneurs to develop their writing and share their histories, opening up new ways to grow their businesses and become best sellers in their own right.