Women of today have a lot on their plate. Many of us are running a household, taking care of a spouse or significant other, children, and possibly aging parents on top of running a business or having a full-time job. Our health, wellness and self-care often comes last and we forget to take care of ourselves. How can we run businesses and prioritize what is important? How do we plan for unexpected major life events like a serious health diagnosis or a disability? If you're interested in learning how to balance your Health and Wellness while also operating and growing your business, then join Light of Gold PR at our Gold Women's Wellness Business Breakfast to be held on Thursday, October 11th from 8:30am -10:30am at The Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce, located at 335 Adams Street, Suite 2700, Brooklyn, New York, 11201. The Event also includes Breakfast Refreshments, Prize Drawings, and a Fun Speed Networking Session that starts at 8:30 am.