Lohmeyer Design

Design Teacher Publishes Project Management Book

This July, Connecticut-based design teacher Phil Lohmeyer published his first book entitled WAVE THE FLAG: Project Management with Mr. Lohmeyer's Design Flags. The publication features a 16-step project management system based on flag designs, available through Amazon Books in both paperback and Kindle format. Says Lohmeyer, "Design Flags allow you to break your project down, then build it back up while inventing your own cause. These fundamental steps can help you tackle any project!" The Whitby School teacher created his Design Flags last summer in Stamford, CT, with limited materials including cardstock, pencils, and Sharpie markers. In October 2017, Lohmeyer began to pilot the system with 8th-grade Designers while planning a logo contest for Whitby's 60th Anniversary. A content copyright for the book was registered in January 2018, and the paperback format was made available to the public in July 2018 through Amazon.com.