Los Angeles Collaborative Family Law Association (LACFLA)

Jim Hallett Receives Eureka Award from CPCal for Collaborative Divorce Work

Attorney Jim Hallett has received a Eureka Award from the Collaborative Practice in California (CPCal) for his work in support of the collaborative divorce process in the Golden State.

LACFLA Attorneys Named to Super Lawyers List

The Los Angeles Collaborative Family Law Association (LACFLA) announced 11 members were just honored by the Super Lawyers.

Los Angeles Family Law Association Introduces a Timely Training "Dealing with the Challenge of Borderline Personalities in Family Law Matters"

Dealing with the challenges of borderline personalities in family law is the topic for a coming education program Nov. 6, 6-8:30 p.m. at Loyola Law School, 919 Albany St. in Los Angeles.

LACFLA Board Members Jami Fosgate and Jeffery Jacobson Receive EUREKA Awards

Collaborative Practice California (CP Cal) is a statewide professional organization comprised of attorneys, mental health professionals and financial specialists dedicated to the use of Collaborative Dispute Resolution Processes and to promote and educate the general public about collaborative divorce, as well as provide a source for couples considering divorce to find trained collaborative professionals to work with.