The History of Indian Astrology

Indian Astrology traces its origins back to the Vedas and the Puranas. Most modern scholars pay more head to the astrological norms laid in the Vedas as compared to the Puranas, since they believe that the later primarily consists of information based on imagination and guesswork.

Importance of Cultural Uniformity in a Matrimonial

While many consider it to be backward thinking or conservative to state that couples who belong to similar cultural groups are more likely to have a successful matrimonial. In a broad term, this would incorporate everything from language, religion, food habits, music and even literature.

The Different Faces of a Manglik Dosha

Many natives who come of marriageable age tend to get worried about the inauspicious nature of the Manglik Dosha. Mars is considered to be a hostile planet and is known to affect a large number of natives who tend to marry late or even choose not to marry in fear of the unknown.