Primarily, independent lubricant manufacturer do not have own oil refineries. They purchase base oil as a raw material from the open market petroleum companies and oil suppliers, and then process it with required additives to produce industrial and automobile lubricants. Growing demand for automated machines in mining and agricultural industries has driven the demand for industrial lubricants. The Government of U.S., along with large corporations, has proposed to launch a voluntary program in order to facilitate the working capital for Small businesses such as Independent lubricant manufacturers. The major players in the global Independent lubricant manufacturers market are Addinol, Caltex, Castrol, Amsoil Inc., Carlube, Fuchs Petrolub SE, Motul S.A., Red Line, Liqui Moly, Pentosin and Royal Purple LLC. Castrol has launched innovative engine oil called 'Castrol Magnetic', which protects the engine parts against the wear of "stop-start driving".