Posted on Friday, September 12, 2014 at 11:15 am CDT
Prior to joining George Washington University, he was a Visiting Assistant Professor in Operations Research at Carnegie Mellon University and worked as a credit risk manager at FORTIS Bank (actually BNP Paribas Fortis Bank). Miguel Lejeune is now a Tenure Associate Professor of Decision Sciences at the George Washington University. He is therecipient of several grants and awards. He received in particular the CAREER/Young Investigator Research Grant from the Army Research Office and of the IBM Smarter Planet Faculty Innovation Award. He was appointed (July 2013) committee member of the Stochastic Programming Society (COSP). He is also Member of the Advisory Board of IBM Analytics Talent Exchange Program since 2013. Miguel Lejeune’s areas of expertise/research interests include stochastic optimization, probabilistic programming, financial risk, large-scale and applied optimization, disaster and supply chain management. He has published articles in Operations Research, Mathematical Programming, Interfaces, INFORMS Journal of Computing, Journal of Operations Management, European Journal of Operational Research, Quantitative Finance, Decision Analysis, Operations Research Letters, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Networks, Annals of Operations Research, International Transactions of Operational Research, etc.
Source: Migule Lejeune Tenure Associate Decision Sciences Professor