Momentum Asia Publishes Rising Obesity Figures for Singapore

According to the Singapore Ministry of Health, 10.8 percent of adults in the country were obese in 2010, an increase of 3.9 percent over a six period. The ministry defines obesity as a BMI greater than 30kg/m. The problem extends to a large portion of the world also, with the World Health Organization reporting worldwide obesity has almost doubled since 1980, with 3.4 million adults dying each year from complications of obesity. Individuals looking to lose weight and keep it off need a weight loss plan which works, and Momentum Asia is that plan. Reveals the Secret to Successful Weight Loss and Maintenance

Gary Foster, clinical director of the University of Pennsylvania's Weight and Eating Disorders Program reports that 65 percent of people who successfully achieve their weight loss goal using a diet return to the weight they were before dieting within a three year period. Wellsphere confirms this and states those who lose the excess weight quickly have a lower success rate when it comes to keeping it off. Individuals concerned about these statistics, those who want to take the weight off and keep it off for good, now turn to Momentum Asia Weight Loss Singapore for assistance.