My Identity Doctor

Spread Awareness on This "World Brain Tumor Day" with Medical ID Bracelets from My Identity Doctor

Brain tumors are a life-threatening malady caused by the abnormal growth of cells in the brain or central nervous system. It is a devastating form of cancer that, if left uncured at its initial stage, may lead to death. To spread awareness about this life-threatening disease on "World Brain Tumor Day," My Identity Doctor is now offering medical ID bracelets at the market's best prices. Wearing the medical IDs offered by the store can help individuals get instant medical support during emergencies.

My Identity Doctors Now Offering Medical ID Bracelets for Safety During Summer Outdoor Activities

The summer season is the perfect time for picnics, barbeques, beach time and various sporting activities. But, too much outdoor activity can cause sunburns and other harmful effects to people of all ages. To create awareness for safety during the summer season, My Identity Doctor is now offering Medical ID bracelets and necklaces. These medical ID jewelry pieces are made of premium stainless steel that easily withstands everyday use.

My Identity Doctor Now Offers Medical ID Bracelets to Enhance Safety of Clients

People who suffer from chronic medical condition need immediate help in times of an emergency. So, in order to protect such patients in life-threatening situations, My Identity Doctor now offering Medical ID Bracelets to enhance their safety. The company provides a wide array of ID bracelets that come in a variety of styles and colors of medical symbols. Individuals seeking a medical ID must consider a few things in bracelets such as the engraving being clear, the ID plate being curved and having defined medical symbols.

My Identity Doctor Offering Lung Disease Bracelets to Encourage People to Quit Tobacco

Smoking causes diseases like lung cancer, asthma, and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and even worsens the symptoms, if already afflicted. To sensitize people about the consequences of smoking and chewing tobacco, My Identity Doctor is enabling its customers with lung disease bracelets at the most competitive prices.

My Identity Doctor Now Celebrates May as Physical Activity and Sports Month with Medical ID Jewelry

Celebrating May as the month of sports and physical activity, My Identity Doctor offers medical ID jewelry for joining the celebration with the "Bike to Work week" initiative in a city of your choice. These jewelry pieces contain critical medical information about the patient that can prove to be extremely useful in case of an emergency. Specializing in medical IDs, the company offers various kind of medical awareness items such as medical ID bracelets, necklaces and more. With the detail available in the bracelets, chances of misdiagnosis are substantially lowered. Spreads Awareness About Cystic Fibrosis Month in May

May is Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month. All across the country people are getting involved in spreading awareness about this life-threatening disease, and to support the mission to find a cure. Cystic Fibrosis is a genetic disease that affects the pancreas and the lungs. It affects approximately 30,000 Americans and 10 million more are carriers with no symptoms of the CF gene.

My Identity Doctor Encourages Participation in World Lupus Day May 10th

Around the world, May 10th is being celebrated as "World Lupus Day." It is a day in which many people will make pledges of support and financial donations to help find a cure for this life-threatening and life-taking disease. Lupus is a chronic auto-immune disease that can, at any time, attack any part of the body including the skin, joints and organs. An auto-immune disease is marked by the body's inability to fight off foreign invaders like viruses and bacteria. Someone suffering from Lupus builds up antibodies that attack and destroy strong, healthy tissue. The result is pain and damage in the affected parts of the body. Supports World Asthma Day May 5 Through Education and Providing Effective Asthma Medical Bracelet

Worldwide, 235 million people suffer from asthma. If not controlled, it can severely compromise the quality of the individual's life. Most sufferers do not have their asthma under control. Having asthma under control is defined as not needing a rescue inhaler more than two or three times per week, as well as being able to participate in any social or physical activities they desire.

My Identity Doctor Supports William's Syndrome Awareness Month Through Knowledge and Custom Medical Bracelets

The public is relatively unaware of the rare genetic condition known as William's Syndrome. To help raise awareness of this life-altering disease, May has been designated William's Syndrome Awareness Month. A variety of events are expected to take place in every state in the nation including marathons and organized walks.

My Identity Doctor Offers Tips on Spotting Hypothyroidism in Women

Hypothyroidism is a very common medical condition where the thyroid gland fails to produce enough thyroid hormone. The thyroid hormone helps to regulate body temperature, metabolism and heart rate, and hypothyroidism disrupts these functions. It is most prevalent in older women and can be diagnosed with a blood test and treated medically.