Posted on Thursday, July 25, 2019 at 10:30 am CDT
According to the United States Sentencing Commission Quarterly Data Report published in July 2019, the top 3 federal offenses registered across the U.S. were related to immigration (37.2%), drugs (26.4%) and firearms (11.7%). Given the current political and societal environment, these come as no surprise. Within this context, defendants and their legal teams have been navigating an uncertain environment where often more can be done to influence the sentencing decision.
Source: National Legal Professional Associates
Posted on Friday, June 14, 2019 at 9:42 am CDT
There are so many state, regional, and federal court of appeals in the U.S.A., that you can just imagine how many appeals are made every day. An appeal isn't just an option in America, it's frequently used and should be.
Source: National Legal Professional Associates