Neuromonics, Inc. Launches a Proven and Effective Tinnitus Alleviator

Neuromonics, Inc., maker and distributor of patented and clinically proven medical devices, designed for tinnitus relief has its downloadable Neuromonics Tinnitus Alleviator for Apple devices. This product treats tinnitus with special music which can be played on any Apple device. But now they are all set to introduce the app for Android devices on July 2016. The product was designed to help those who suffer from ringing in the ears. Users of the new app listen to spectrally modified music arranged to retrain the brain to ignore ringing sounds and stop reacting negatively to them.

Neuromonics Tinnitus Alleviator Relieves Ringing in Ears

Neuromonics, Inc., maker and distributor of patented and clinically proven medical devices, designed for tinnitus relief has its downloadable Neuromonics Tinnitus Alleviator for Apple devices. This product treats tinnitus with special music which can be played on any Apple device. But now they are all set to introduce the app for Android devices on July 2016. The product was designed to help those who suffer from ringing in the ears. Users of the new app listen to spectrally modified music arranged to retrain the brain to ignore ringing sounds and stop reacting negatively to them.