Posted on Thursday, February 07, 2013 at 3:44 pm CST
Newport Pacific Capital, a mobile home park property management company, and Modular Lifestyles, a manufactured home builder, are creating a new way to look at manufactured homes. Now eco-friendly living is made easy and affordable, attracting a new wave of interest in mobile home parks, with the help of this successful mobile home property management company.
Source: Newport Pacific
Posted on Thursday, January 17, 2013 at 12:30 pm CST
Newport Pacific Capital, a mobile home property management company, is changing the way people look at manufactured homes, one property at a time. As stated by the Huffington Post, “The term "manufactured housing" itself has less to do with quality and more to do with the production process, which is a derivative of Ford's assembly lines -- an innovative business model that helped grow the United States economy. This model allows manufactured homes to be built in a more controlled work environment, translating into predictable costs, increased efficiencies and reduced waste.”
Source: Newport Pacific