NHV Natural Pet Products

NHV Natural Pet Products Protects Pets from Harmful Chemicals in Many Medications

Many pets died after eating contaminated food produced by Menu Foods of Ontario, Canada, although an exact number has yet to be determined. Experts cannot say how many pets actually died after eating this products as many pet owners may attribute the death of their beloved pet to other causes, not knowing they ate this tainted food. "Pet owners concerned about the recall of major food products need to consider turning to natural pet products to ensure the safety of their animal and these owners also need to worry about medications being given to their pet, often by veterinarians," Barb Simpson of NHV Natural Pet Products declares.

NHV Natural Pet Products Campaign to Increase Awareness of Natural Canine Supplements

Statistics from the veterinary industry indicate there are currently more than 100 million pet dogs in Canada and the United States combined with approximately 65 percent of households owning at least 1 dog. As is the case with humans, dogs are vulnerable to a number of common ailments ranging in severity from simple digestive issues to potentially fatal forms of cancer. Though pet owners typically want the best treatments available for their dogs, most fail to realize the capabilities of natural remedies to combat certain illnesses. In light of these facts, NHV Natural Pet Products has launched a campaign to increase awareness of the effectiveness of treating various canine conditions with natural products.

NHV Natural Pet Products Highlights Benefits of Holistic Medications

Pet owners forked out $52.87 billion on their pets in 2012 with $12.56 billion of this going to supplies and over-the-counter medications and another $13.59 billion spent in vet care. Many pet owners wish to treat their pets holistically and yet don't know how to go about doing so or where to turn to purchase natural pet products. "Drs. Maria Luiza Romano, DVM, M.Sc. and L.M. Wijesundera, MD (Ayurveda) created NHV Natural Pet Products to fill this void and offer a wide range of products designed to treat pet ailments naturally," Barb Simpson of NHV Natural Pet Products declares.

NHV Natural Pet Products Launches Newly Redesigned Website for Customer Support

Statistics reveal liver disease is the fifth leading cause of death among canines. Contributing factors to this illness include frequent exposure to pesticides and other harmful chemicals, chronic dental conditions and prolonged use of steroids, parasite control medications and antibiotics. Current studies indicate natural treatments, as opposed to synthetic drugs, are more effective in treating canine liver disease as the liver is responsible for processing medications entering the body. Due to the decreased liver function accompanying such ailments, canines are unable to reap the full benefits of non-natural medications. Natural supplements have been proven to have a positive impact on canine liver disorders. In an effort to more efficiently help pet owners provide their beloved animals with all natural treatments for a number of health problems, NHV Natural Pet Products has launched a new, more user friendly website.

NHV Natural Pet Products Launches Campaign to Increase Canine Cancer Awareness

Statistics indicate approximately 33 percent of dogs suffer from various forms of canine cancer; of those affected, more than half die from this disease, making cancer the leading cause of death among the canine population. Research shows that, if detected and treated early, about 50 percent of these cases are curable. In order to further increase the chances of canine cancer survival, NHV Natural Pet Products has launched a campaign to increase public awareness of this condition, its symptoms and the treatment options available.